assisted living

A caregiver helping a senior use their phone.

5 Benefits of Moving to Assisted Living for Seniors

Research suggests that adults over 65 have a 70% chance of requiring long-term care services and assistance after they retire. Finding the ideal neighborhood takes time and effort, and your loved one should be prepared to relocate when the time comes. Here are 5 benefits that explain why an assisted living community is the right move for your senior …

5 Benefits of Moving to Assisted Living for Seniors Read More »

Assisted Living and Independent Living: Which is the Right Choice?

Assisted Living and Independent Living: Which is the Right Choice? Are you constantly worried about the safety and well-being of your elderly parents? Family members admit that they lose focus at work because they keep worrying about them when they’re not around. Did they eat? Were they able to take their medications on time? Was …

Assisted Living and Independent Living: Which is the Right Choice? Read More »

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